Friday, February 21, 2014

LDASC Reaching Out to Members

LDASC's Ann Whitten of Aiken Learning Lab and the LDASC Board of Directors reaching out to LDA members.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I would keep my disabilities.

A fellow twitter asked today: Carolyn D. Cowen ‏@cdcowen 1h
Here's a 2-part question: If U could choose, would U keep/not keep Ur dyslexia? How about 4 Ur children--if U could make it vanish, would U?
So, I looked over and asked my child. He stated he would keep his LD and his dyslexia. I asked him why and he replied that it makes him a better learner and it is how he was made, who he is.
I want to cry. My child has reached a point in life that though he is often frustrated by how his dyslexia/dyscalculia/dysgraphia makes learning difficult for him, he would rather be who he is than someone different.
This is a day I have waited for and thankful it has came to be.