Saturday, November 12, 2022



Two people studying

Learning disabilities present unique challenges when you’re planning to attend college. The National Center for Learning Disabilities conducted a survey in 2016 of 800 parents, and 72% said it was hard finding information about college disability services. For these students, getting the right information and support to excel in college requires a persistent strategy.

In this extensive planning guide, we give you the tools you need to be successful in understanding the college environment for students with learning disabilities as well as your rights and potential accommodations. Whether it’s in-person or online college you’re pursuing, we’ll show you where to find the best resources to achieve your goals.

Common Learning Disabilities Among College Students

There are many learning disabilities that can be challenging in a college environment. Typically, students will work closely with college personnel to navigate their specific condition. Here are some of the most common learning disabilities that often require accommodations.

  • ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a brain development disorder that affects focusing and impulse control. Students with ADHD often struggle with executive deficit disorder as well, which can affect problem solving, multitasking, and time management skills.
  • Auditory processing disorder. Also known as central auditory processing disorder, this is difficulty hearing and understanding information.
  • Dyscalculia. Students with dyscalculia have trouble understanding numbers, math concepts, and calculations.
  • Dyslexia. This is a learning disability where people have trouble recognizing words accurately and also may find reading comprehension difficult.
  • Dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult to write thoughts in a coherent manner.
  • Visual processing disorder. Processing visual information is challenging, and often drawing, copying, or distinguishing differences in letters or shapes is hard.

Challenges Students With Learning Disabilities Face

College students with a learning disability face a variety of challenges at school. For some, admitting they have a learning disability is a challenge to overcome. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities’ executive summary The State of Learning Disabilities: Understanding the 1 in 5, only 24% of college students told their school that they had a learning disability. But 69% did not say they have a learning disability because they thought they no longer had one, even though people generally don’t stop having learning disabilities.

This can be a significant barrier to success because only a portion of college students with a learning disability are getting the accommodations they need. Reasons why students don’t disclose they have a learning disability include:

  • Thinking they’ll be perceived as either lazy or unintelligent.
  • Not wanting to be identified as someone who needs help due to their learning disability.
  • Not knowing how important accommodations may be for their success in college.
  • Not realizing they have a learning disability until they are diagnosed in college.

Another potential reason students with a learning disability may not seek accommodations could be due to the fact that their individualized education plans (IEPs) do not transfer from high school to college. This puts the impetus of petitioning for accommodations solely on the student’s plate.

However, you may be able to transfer some of the accommodations written into your IEP through the Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) office or equivalent department at your college. DSPS will review your IEP and see what accommodations are available at the college level that may be beneficial to the student.

Students may also be able to transfer accommodations from a 504 plan to college. But you should keep in mind that colleges are not obligated to transfer all of the accommodations that were included in an IEP or 504 plan. DSPS offices differ from college to college — some colleges offer excellent support, while others do not.

How Colleges Accommodate Students With Learning Disabilities

As stated earlier, any IEP you might have from high school doesn’t transfer to college. You should still incorporate any necessary accommodations into your IEP or 504 plan prior to graduating high school, though. It will then be up to you to communicate the details of your disability and the accommodations you need to your college.

Also, you may want to modify the accommodations of your high school IEP to ensure that you have access to the best system of support during college. While each campus has different protocols in place for accommodating students, typically you’ll find these common accommodations:

Disability services office

Most colleges have a DSPS office. This is a place where you can discuss your accommodation needs to help you be successful in a college environment. These can include extended time for examinations, a quiet room for test taking, or the use of a reader (someone who can read test questions to the student). You may also need a laptop or other assistive technology devices — some professors don’t allow students to use a laptop in class, but if laptop usage is written into the IEP or 504 plan and the DSPS office allows it, the professor should make an exception.

Individual instruction modifications

Individualized coursework and testing

Classroom accommodations

Additional time

Community disability resource centers

Assistive technology

How to Request Accommodations

Woman Holding School Books

Asking for the accommodations you’ll need is the first step when working with your new college. If they understand how to help you, you’ll be better prepared to succeed.

We created a sample request for accommodations form so you can see what they usually look like. Along with your request form,  include related documentation, such as any IEP and other information that will give the disability services office a complete understanding of your situation. Most colleges require an IEP, a 504 plan, a letter from a physician with a diagnosis of a learning disability, and/or an assessment from a psychologist with a diagnosis of the disability.

Advice From an Expert

Raja Marhaba, Founder & CEO of The Jonathan Foundation for Children With Learning Disabilities, LinkedIn.

1. What things should a student with a learning disability consider when selecting a college?

I would highly recommend that you visit the Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) office, meet with the staff, and see what accommodations the college may offer compared to your current IEP or 504 plan. This is very important, as some DSPS offices offer better accommodations than others. You want to make sure you choose the college that provides all the support you need to achieve success.

2. What would you tell a student with a learning disability that believes college is unattainable?

3. Is it important for students to disclose a learning disability?

4. Should students with a learning disability use campus and community resources?

5. What tips would you give a student with a learning disability for succeeding in college?

Know Your Rights

As a student with learning disabilities, you have rights that can protect you. The American Disabilities Act of 1990 was a major step forward in protecting the civil rights of people with disabilities because it made discrimination against people with disabilities illegal. The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 expanded the definition of what qualifies as a disability to include physical or mental impairments that limit “life activities” like reading and learning.

Students with learning disabilities are also protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which covers people with “hidden disabilities” that are not readily apparent to others. According to this law, programs that receive federal funding or are conducted by a federal agency must not discriminate against qualified students who have a disability.

If you find that you have been discriminated against due to your disability and you can’t resolve it with your college, you can file an ADA complaint that will be reviewed by the U.S. Department of Justice. It’s also possible to file a discrimination complaint with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

Common Assistive Apps for Students With Learning Disabilities

Assistive apps serve as tools to help navigate your learning disability by helping with concentration, speech, and tasks. Our top picks of the best assistive apps to help manage your learning disability are listed below.

The following assistive apps are not replacements for professional medical advice. Please consult a medical provider before making any health-related decisions.

Focus@WillFocus@Will plays instrumental music that is scientifically designed to increase focus. Cost: $7.49 per month or $45.00 – $52.49 yearly.Download: Android | iOS
VerballyVerbally assists with your conversation and allows the user to communicate by typing when they are unable to speak. Cost: Free, Premium version is $99.99.Download: Android – Not available | iOS (iPad only)
PhotomathPhotomath allows you to scan math problems and see detailed step-by -step solutions to increase comprehension. Cost: $4.99 – $9.99 monthly.Download: Android | iOS
Spell BetterSpell Better is an app that helps those with dyslexia by automatically correcting words with spelling errors and reordering letters. Cost: $9.99 – $24.99.Download: Android – Not available | iOS (iPad only)
SnapTypeSnapType allows students who have trouble with dysgraphia to take a photo of their workbook and type in their responses. Cost: $4.99.Download: Android | iOS 

Benefits of Online College for Students With Learning Disabilities

Attending an online college offers many benefits to students with learning disabilities who want the opportunity to achieve college success.

One advantage of some online learning programs is their asynchronous nature, which means the class doesn’t meet in real time. This gives someone managing a learning disability the time to process the information they want to understand. Using email also allows for a longer response time. In addition, when the pressure of real time is removed, often a student can fully participate with the rest of their class.

Other advantages of working online are the opportunity to use assistive technology to convert written words into an audio format or to review lessons multiple times versus listening once in a lecture setting. Also, working in a comfortable environment and being able to schedule your time to work on the class allows you to navigate the flow of coursework at a pace that works for you.

Scholarships and Financial Resources for Students With Learning Disabilities

Besides the challenges students face in managing their learning disability, added financial expenses can be a consideration. The scholarships featured below are available specifically to students with learning disabilities.

  • Anne Ford Scholarship. This $10,000 scholarship is granted over a four-year period to high school graduates who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree. The Anne Ford Scholarship is awarded to students who have financial need, have a learning disability or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, and want to make a positive contribution to their community. Deadline: April 10, 2022
  • Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarship. This $5,000 scholarship is awarded over a two-year period to a graduating high school student who enrolls in a two-year community, vocational, or technical college. Applicants must show financial need, have a learning disability or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, and express how their future career will impact their community. Deadline: April 10, 2022
  • Joseph James Morelli Legacy FoundationThese scholarships range from $500 to $2,500 and can be used for tuition, books, and other assistive resources. Students must have a reading or language disability similar to dyslexia. Students must be planning to attend an accredited undergraduate, technical, or community college and to pursue a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) degree. Deadline: February 28, 2022
  • Alpha One Powering Education Scholarship. This scholarship is for high school graduates in Maine who have a documented disability and plan to pursue undergraduate or graduate study. Award payments are made after the first term is completed to students who have maintained at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Your high school transcript, letters of recommendation, and a personal essay about your disability experience are required to apply. Deadline: April 1, 2022
  • INCIGHT Scholarship. Students must be current California, Oregon, or Washington residents to apply for the $500 renewable award. Applicants should be attending a university, community college, or vocational school. Community involvement is emphasized with recipients agreeing to complete 30 hours of community service or volunteer at an INCIGHT event. Deadline: April 15, 2022

Additional Resources

Many organizations that focus on learning disabilities advocate for and provide support to give college students additional help. We have listed some of the largest organizations here as additional resources to use both during your college years and after graduation.

DREAM. Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring (DREAM) is a national organization that is for all college students with disabilities who are pursuing higher education options. Sponsored by the National Center for College Students with Disabilities, DREAM  advocates for students with disabilities and provides support to campus groups and individuals.

NCCSD. National Center for College Students with Disabilities is a federally funded national center that provides information to undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities. Some of the topics in the NCCSD training center include webinars about disability as diversity and disability law and training on disability documentation.

AHEAD. Established in 1977, the Association on Higher Education and Disability® (AHEAD) has more than 4,000 members in all 50 states and 10 countries who are disability professionals. AHEAD provides members a database with access to more than 5,600 legal cases, a career center, and professional development webinars. AHEAD also features an annual conference, an online newsletter, and a searchable membership directory.

LDA. The Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) creates opportunities for people with learning disabilities through education, advocacy, and support. The organization encourages the early identification of learning disabilities and supports interventions for individuals with learning disabilities.